Megan's Blog

I originally started this blog because my mom said that I needed an outlet to vent about things so I wouldn't BLOW UP on someone. And It's also a cool way to let people know how your doing and what's going on in your neck of the woods.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


FINALLY I can call myself a highschool graduate! I finally got to graduate this past Saturday. I also graduated in the top 15% in my graduating class, that was actually a big shock for me, I thought I was just coasting through school. Both my mom and aunt were there. My two sisters and my oldest sister's family, my dad, uncle, and two friends of the family. As it turns out I lost ALOT of sleep over the weekend. For the first time in a LONG time I actually fell asleep at the movies, I've been try to catch up.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Not Yet

My cap and gown have not come in yet, they were delayed. So I am supposedto call the school on Monday to see if they have come in yet. If they have,I will pick them up on Wednesday. As it turns out, I won't be able to ordermy car this time around. I spoke to my middle sister today, she said thatmy dad does know that my mom will be coming to my graduation, which for meis a big relief. Sadly, my dad and sisters will not be speaking with her,but me personally, I would rather have them not speak than have this hugeblow up at each other. I am really glad that both my mom and dad will bethere. I cannot remember any time where they were both at a special occasionfor me. The ONLY time I can remember them both being with me for somethingwas one time when I was little and in the hospital, other than that, I can'tremember any other time. I got new swim shorts and a pink two-piece suityesterday. It looks really good. I can't wait to use them this coming Fridaywith my aunt and mom. I'm hoping that maybe I can take them to lunch at "TheRainforest Cafe" and introduce them to a friend of mine that works there.After, I hope we can go see "Over The Hedge" and do some "Glow Golf".

Friday, May 12, 2006

My Cap & Gown

Today I finally get to go pick up my cap & gown from the homeschool place. It turns out that my gown is hunter green. I thought that all graduation cap & gowns were royal blue. Tomorrow my dad comes in. Hopefully, when he comes in we will get to go order my car.

Friday, May 05, 2006

I Didn't Get Lost

Today I found the hotel were staying at, then I found the airport and I know where everything is, YAAY! I DIDN'T GET LOST!!!! YAAY!!!! The hotel also has an indoor swimming pool so to my aunt, if your reading this, don't forget your swim suit. Mom I know you and don't think you even own a swim suit, BUY ONE. The hotel also has a sauna and a gym. I'm also going to ask my mom if I can drive to and from the airport. First off, I have a driver's license (since valentine's day)and I'm an excellent driver, but she doesn't really like driving with me because she's only driven with me like two or three times (BOTH WERE FINE). I can totally see her with prayer beads in one hand and putting a death grip on the door handle with the other while screaming like a banshee, "SLOW DOWN, STOP, LET ME DRIVE", and if your reading this mom, I LOVE YOU!!! But you gotta admit that does seem like you. After all it was you who asked my uncle if he had any prayer beads the first time you drove with me. Tomorrow my uncle and I are planning to go to the zoo, it should be a nice long walk, and the fresh air should do some good. I also found out that my robes for graduation are going to be hunter green. I thought ALL graduating robes were royal blue. Also only 15 days left until graduation.

Thursday, May 04, 2006


GUESS WHAT!!!! My aunt is going to fly into Nashville for my graduation, but possibly my mom might come up from AL early. If she does my mom and I will go pick up my aunt from the airport. We also might share a hotel room, ALL THREE OF US! I'm really excited. I don't EVER remember just the three of us hanging out. I REALLY HOPE IT ALL WORKS OUT!!!!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Possible Career Change

I read today's blog on my mom's website. It said that I was going to college to become a dental HYGIENIST, but I was actually going to college to become a dental ASSISTANT. I sent my mom an email telling her that it wasn't right. She sent an email back saying she fixed it, and mentioned that the dental offices where she goes to, there are more hygienists than assistants and that they have better pay. As the day wore on, I started to become more interested in the idea of becoming a hygienist. Also when I get out of college, shortly after, I would like to buy my own house. I would also like to announce that there is 18 days left until I graduate, not counting today, YAAY. I finally found earrings and a necklace to go with my dress that I am going to wear when we go out to dinner. My mom also told me that my aunt might be coming to my graduation. I REALLY HOPE SHE DOES.

Monday, May 01, 2006

My First Blog

Today I created my first blog. So I guess I should say a little about myself. I am about to graduate high school on may 20th. I finally decided on what college I want to go to and what I what I want to do for a living. I am going to Draughons Junior College in Nashville, and I want to be a dental assistant. I have two older sisters, one lives in PA, the other in GA. The one in GA is married and has two little girls. The one in PA has not married yet, but is now a teacher. My mom lives in AL with her husband, and my dad lives in VA by himself. I am so excited about graduation. I also got a new email address today, and signed up at