Megan's Blog

I originally started this blog because my mom said that I needed an outlet to vent about things so I wouldn't BLOW UP on someone. And It's also a cool way to let people know how your doing and what's going on in your neck of the woods.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Since I've Been Gone

YAAY!!! I'm finally 21. And yes, I remember my birthday. For some ODD reason, I don't forget anything when I'm drinking. Hey, if there's a doctor out there maybe you can help answer a question. I really don't get it, when I'm sober I can't really remember anything, I have to make notes for myself all the time. BUT....when I'm drinking I remember EVERYTHING lol. Your probably thinking, "she's probably not drinking enough to forget". No, believe me...I've gotten to the point where my boyfriend has had to drag me to the bathroom, actually put my head on the toilet when I was getting sick, then drag me to the couch to tuck me in.(sorry momma, please don't yell at me) I've been pretty far gone before but never seem to forget what I've done. But I'm told that day will come. Another thing I can't believe, everyone was telling me that once I turn 21, birthdays wouldn't be as fun anymore. OMG. They were RIGHT. It was like "YAAY I'm 16", "YAAY I'm 18", "YESSS I'm FINALLY 21". Now It's like, "woohoo, I'm freakin' 22".
Also, my boyfriend and I have now been dating for over a year now, and he just had his 26th birthday. I keep teasing him because I'm already finding grey hairs lol. He's a lot of fun to be around, and recently we took our first trip together to Dollywood near Gatlingurg, TN. He bought himself an 883 Harley Davidson and loves riding it. He and his best friend are possibly planning a long distance ride toward the end of the month. It made me laugh, he told me that his butt really hurts just after about 2 hours of riding so I looked at him and was like, and you wanna do a LONG distance ride lol.
As far as family goes, I HATE my middle sister and do not wish to speak to her EVER again. Do you have ANY idea how much emotional abuse I got from her. It's like EVERY time I was with her, I had a huge meltdown because of her. Just ask my mom and boyfriend. So It's finally to the point that for the sake of my sanity, I now have NOTHING to do with her. And as for my oldest sister, I guess I have nothing to do with her either. Me, my boyfriend, dad, middle sister, and aunt took a trip to see the oldest in Georgia. The ENTIRE time we were there, she never said ONE work to me. My bf even noticed it. So I guess if she doesn't want to talk to me, then I'm not gonna try talking to her. You know what's funny? Growing up I loved her SOOO much, not only did she protect me from the middle sister who tried to beat on me constantly, but I wanted to be just like my oldest. She was so pretty that I always wanted to grow up to look JUST like her. She had so many friends, and I wanted to be as cool as her. But pretty much as soon as she got married the 1st time and started having kids, she changed. Now It's like I don't even know her. One of my uncles passed away. I thought he was really sweet and funny. I really miss you. My aunt seems to be doing ok since then. We all check up on her. The family takes her out to go bowling every Saturday night after church. They stay out after 11 pm. My other uncle in Ashland City is doing good too. Mom got her dream job with Miva Merchant. Jeff also got a part-time job, I think he said it had to do with major events. My dad has a new girlfriend. I met HER yesterday. I'm still deciding whether I can accept her or not. Sorry, It's just the fact he's dating. I guess deep down I'm afraid that with a new girlfriend, he'll forget about me.
I've gotten big into gardening and cooking. Out on my balcony I have growing, sweet banana peppers, corn, 2 tomato plants, mint, squash, sunflowers, and just added 3 mums. I've also gotten a little braver in the kitchen. I made some old fashioned mac & cheese, and some beef stew from scratch. AND THEY DIDN'T SUCK...YAAAY!!! Well I guess I better go start my day. Cya l8r.


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