Today I found the hotel were staying at, then I found the airport and I know where everything is, YAAY! I DIDN'T GET LOST!!!! YAAY!!!! The hotel also has an indoor swimming pool so to my aunt, if your reading this, don't forget your swim suit. Mom I know you and don't think you even own a swim suit, BUY ONE. The hotel also has a sauna and a gym. I'm also going to ask my mom if I can drive to and from the airport. First off, I have a driver's license (since valentine's day)and I'm an excellent driver, but she doesn't really like driving with me because she's only driven with me like two or three times (BOTH WERE FINE). I can totally see her with prayer beads in one hand and putting a death grip on the door handle with the other while screaming like a banshee, "SLOW DOWN, STOP, LET ME DRIVE", and if your reading this mom, I LOVE YOU!!! But you gotta admit that does seem like you. After all it was you who asked my uncle if he had any prayer beads the first time you drove with me. Tomorrow my uncle and I are planning to go to the zoo, it should be a nice long walk, and the fresh air should do some good. I also found out that my robes for graduation are going to be hunter green. I thought ALL graduating robes were royal blue. Also only 15 days left until graduation.