Christmas List
Nintendo Wii Games
Super Paper Mario w/ Super Paper Mario Game Guide
Big Brain Academy :Wii Degree
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Bliz
Chicken Shoot
Wario Ware: Smooth Moves
I originally started this blog because my mom said that I needed an outlet to vent about things so I wouldn't BLOW UP on someone. And It's also a cool way to let people know how your doing and what's going on in your neck of the woods.
Nintendo Wii Games
I feel I was forced to take down my previous blog. It appears that I no longer can express my feelings in anyway, shape, or form. Just for people's GENERAL information, I DO NOT PUT LIES UP ON MY BLOGS!!! Because of that fact, I didn't see a problem with that. Also, this is my PERSONAL space. I use this space to express my feelings since I am not able to elsewhere. Another little fact, did you know that just a handful of people read my blog? So far only one person has said anything. But sadly, it seems I can't express myself ANYWHERE (and people wounder why I'm depressed). So for now on I guess I will just sit back, bottle things up, and become MORE depressed. I guess as long as I'm keeping to myself no one will care.
For my birthday, we went to The Cheesecake Factory. I had this white chocolate raspberry something. It was soooooo good. I really liked how the white chocolate was inside so every time you took a bite there was a sweet kind of crunch. After that, Daniel and I walked around the mall. I REALLY wanted to go inside Tiffany's jewelry store because I had never been in one before. I didn't even know there was one in the south. I thought it was a New York thing. But of course, knowing my luck, it had just closed. I'm told that if I didn't have bad luck I'd have no luck at all. I think A LOT of people can vouch for that considering how much of a klutz I am.
I know I havn't written in AWHILE. Since the last entry, I've been going to college and am now on my final quarter. I've been talking to dad and have decided to go back for most likely for general education. I've also been looking for a job, I realize I have no experience but what Other people are failing to realize is that EVERYONE has to start SOMEWHERE. DUH! I can't believe my car is almost 1 year old. WHAT HAPPENED? I now have a really nice couch and recliner that I found at Big Lots. Thank you dad. Today is my birthday I am now 20. YAAAAY! But what has made me the happiest, is that I am now in a serious relationship with the sweetest guy. His name is Daniel. We've been together since May 25th. June 2nd was our first real date. I met him over at Axis Direct where my Uncle Rich works. Tonight Daniel, myself, Uncle Rich, Steffanie and David(friends of mine), are going to dinner at the cheesecake factory for my birthday. I will let yall know how it goes.